Category Archives: copy edit

a fave indie writer signs up

Forgot to post about this — probably because I’ve been too busy working SO hard for my current clients 😉 — but one of my favourite indie authors asked me to edit their next collection of short fiction. We’re probably talking six months away, but still… very pleasing/inspiring to be asked. And I already can’t wait.

Of course, I do still have available slots in November and December, if anyone has anything they want quality-edited at economy-costs, and wants to be treated as well as my other clients. 🙂


current edit complete

Which means it isn’t the current edit, I guess? Which means that phrase shouldn’t exist? I don’t know. Can’t stop editing. Heh.

But this is such a strong story, such a strong novel, and will be such a strong series. Kudos to MA Leibfritz for Blood & Oil. Quality. I think we’re going to hear a lot about this writer in the coming years.

So what now? Well, for one I’m going to finish reading Michael Connelly’s The Gods of Guilt, then dive straight into Kory M Shrum’s Dying by the Hour.

As for Tuesday, when I would have been returning to B&O, I don’t know whether to bring the final read-thru of GoD forward a week, or spend the time writing what I can of my novel about DeadDenny… hmm… 🙂


happy i worked the weekend

No, it doesn’t make sense.

Until you learn that yesterday and today have slipped by me in swirls of meetings, queues, broken bikes and new office chairs.

So, because of the hours I put in on Saturday and Sunday, I should still be golden when it comes to completing the edit of G for ND on Sunday. I just need to buckle down and do the hours between now and then.

Yes, I could be editing now, instead of writing this drivel. But it’s an update. Of sorts. 😉


so good

Yeah, I know I shouldn’t be biased (right?), but I’m currently reading through the next book I will edit, being B&O (as far as you are concerned, for the moment)… and…

not only is the writing top quality…


the story a total screen-flipper…


there are super-cool illustrations, too.

I tell you, I have lucked into being asked to help out with THE best books. And THE best writers. 🙂

I just hope any writers who (hopefully) ask for my help after mid-September can live up to their standards. No pressure, people. 😉



reading the next edit

Does that make sense?

As an editor, I sincerely hope so. 😉

Although, of course,  there is an element of play involved. 🙂

But what I mean is…

Late last night I requested and was sent a kindle-friendly copy of the next book I will be editing (from August 18th), so I have a chance to view it as a reader first before tackling as an editor. I did that with the current edit, and think it helps.

Here’s hoping. 🙂

Oh, and I’m currently LOVING working on the the current book, G, and have received nothing but positive replies from the author, who must be one of the more receptive and open writers I’ve ever come across, from a critique-receiving point of view. A joy to work with. 🙂


started work

So, I started working on ‘G’ on Friday, and continued today. Deadline is the 17th.

I’ve got to say… This is such an interesting story full of intriguing ideas, and with a chemistry between the two main characters that positively sizzles.

This is going to be fun. Work. But fun.

In other news, I updated the theme here (what do you think?), and will be linking to my website. Final update as and when. But nothing should change for you lovely people. It just makes me feel like I look more professional. Because, when it comes to the writers I work for, I absolutely am.


diary/schedule now posted

As the subject says: my Diary & Schedule is now posted here:

Please contact me if you think I can be of any help, if you would like to take advantage of my free 1000 word sample edit, or if you have any questions regarding what I do, how I do it, or… well, just about anything edit-related, I guess. 🙂



How Brave Are You?

HOW BRAVE ARE YOU? is the working title of the compelling and eye-opening book I have been editing for the wonderful Nicole Delacroix:

It is a riveting and sexyfun read, being a somewhat voyeuristic ride through the innermost thoughts of all the kind (and kinky) souls who anonymously completed Nicole’s questionnaire. I was intrigued, shocked, amused and (yes, I’ll admit it, a little) titillated by its honesty and good-time-sass. 😮 🙂

So yes, the final run-through is now complete, and I want to thank Nicole for letting me play a part in her crazywonderful ride, and wish her & HBAY all the very best in finding an agent/publisher.

The question now is: HOW BRAVE IS AN AGENT?

If you think you know of one who might just be brave and insightful enough to be interested in an unputdownably sexy read, please get in touch. 🙂



more work in my inbox – Blood & Oil by M.A. Leibfritz

I am delighted and honoured to announce that M.A. Leibfritz has chosen me to edit her sci-fi/fantasy novel BLOOD & OIL.

Due to current commitments, work won’t begin before August 15th, but after reading and sample-editing the opening pages, I must say the story pulled me in and intrigued me, and I am seriously looking forward to working on this project.

Many thanks to Tamsin over at for the recommendation.



available for work from August 18th

Hello from


I will have one or two pieces of final edit work to do after August 18th, taking 5-10 days, but they will need to be scheduled as and when the authors are ready.

Apart from those, I am available to work on new projects. 🙂

So, if you have some editing/copyediting/line-editing you want doing, please contact me by posting a reply to this with your email address, or email me direct at

I am happy to work on anything from a one-page letter to a 500,000 word novel. Or longer. Although, obviously, that monster-novel will take a much longer commitment than the letter.

My rates are still just £3 or $5 per 1000 words, or a flat £3/$5 fee for anything shorter. For shorter pieces I will invoice upon completion, but for longer works I will invoice half when I begin and half upon completion, with an option (not obligatory) for a half-price final read through whenever you have completed any alterations.

Please read my testimonials page for more insight, and/or forward a 1000 word sample for me to work on and return, free of charge, no obligation, for you to decide whether you want to work with me.

I am already  looking forward to working with you. 😉